Health Benefits of Bulgur

Bulgur, a natural product that contains fiber, is produced without chemical process and does not contain preservatives. Additionally, bulgur has a low glycemic index, and is high in folate and vitamin B, making it a great food for children and pregnant women. Potassium Content of Bulgur is High.

What are the qualities which make bulgur superior?

Wheat (bulgur’s main raw material) is made of three parts: Endosperm, Bran and Germ.

Endosperm, high in starch and low in protein, is the energy supplier part of wheat and bulgur. Bran contains the fiber, while the germ contains the phenols, phytates; minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and chrome and B vitamins all contained by wheat excluding B12. These nutrition elements contained in wheat are protected during the production of bulgur.

The nutrient loss is prevented during boiling as result of re-absorption of vitamins and nutritional elements passing to water. This important detail in its production makes bulgur nutritionally superior.

Bulgur is Rich in Fiber

Fiber and pulp are the cell walls of plants that cannot be digested and have a positive effect on health. Pulp accelerates bowel movements and prevents constipation. When combined with water, it is filling and keeps people full. Therefore, it has an important place in weight loss and a healthy diet. High fiber carbohydrates do not increase blood sugar rapidly, which can protect people from Type 2 diabetes. Because it is metabolized slowly, bulgur is not stored as fat, which helps control weight gain. A high fiber diet also can help prevent colorectal cancers. Research shows that people who eat high-fiber diets have lower cholesterol levels and fewer heart attack deaths. High fiber foods lower bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing good cholesterol (HDL).

Glycemic Index of Bulgur is Low

The glycemic index is measured by how quickly sucrose increases blood sugar. Foods with a glycemic index of 70-100 are considered high; foods with a glycemic index of 55-70 are medium; and those under 55 are low. A diet of low glycemic-index foods will keep blood sugar low. Bulgur is a low-glycemic food. In foods with a low glycemic index, blood sugar rises more slowly and the body releases less insulin. When less insulin is released, the body stores less fat, which controls weight gain. Another benefit of low-glycemic foods is that they decrease hunger by keeping blood sugar levels.