¼ red capia pepper / capsicum (chopped as small cubes)
1 pinch of basil
1 coffee spoon of butter
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
2 glasses of hot water
1Chop aubergine / eggplant into cubes, fry and take them to a separate cup. Put olive oil and butter into a broad and shallow pan. When melt add the onions and red capia peppers / capiscums at the same time and char them.
2Then, add Extra Extra Coarse Bulgur. Add salt and fried aubergines / eggplant. Leave bulgur for cooking for 15 minutes on low heat until bulgur has almost absorbed water by adding sugar and hot water without waiting.
3You may serve your bulgur pilaf with finely chopped basil after letting it rest for 20 minutes.