½ small glass of green lentils (previously boiled)
¼ red capia pepper (chopped as cubes)
1 teaspoon of pepper paste
1 coffee spoon of butter
1 teaspoon of flaked chilli
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon of salt
2 glasses of boiled water
1Put the olive oil and butter in a broad and shallow pan. When melt, add the onions and char them until they are pinkish. Add red capia peppers shopped as cubes 1 minute more.
2Then, add pepper paste and bulgur and mix them 1 minute more. After charring them, add boiled chickpea and green lentils.
3Add flaked chilli, black pepper, salt and boiled water and let it for cooking for 15 minutes until bulgur almost absorbs water.
4You may serve your pilaf after letting it rest for 20 minutes.